
Название Тип M.DEF MP Вес Цена


14161 Sealed Vesper Necklace
Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released, the effect is M. Def.+15 and MP+50.
neck 110 0 150 0
14164 Vesper Necklace
Vesper Necklace. The effect is MP +50.
neck 125 50 150 0


9453 Sealed Dynasty Necklace
Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon. When the seal is released, the effect is M. Def. +11 and MP +46.
neck 95 0 150 5376000
9456 Dynasty Necklace
Produces the effect of MP +46.
neck 106 46 150 7942000
9459 Dynasty Necklace [Stun Resistance]
Produces the effect of MP +46, Stun Resistance +18.
neck 36 46 150 0
9462 Dynasty Necklace [Poison Resistance]
Produces the effect of MP +46, Poison Resistance +16.
neck 36 46 150 0
9465 Dynasty Necklace [Bleeding Resistance]
Produces the effect of MP +46, Bleed Resistance +11.
neck 36 46 150 0
9468 Dynasty Necklace [Sleep Resistance]
Produces the effect of MP +46, Sleep Resistance +18.
neck 36 46 150 15565000
9471 Dynasty Necklace [Paralysis Resistance]
Produces the effect of MP +46, Paralysis Resistance +9.
neck 36 46 150 0
9474 Dynasty Necklace [Hold Resistance]
Produces the effect of MP +46, Hold Resistance +18.
neck 36 46 150 29420000
9477 Dynasty Necklace [Fear Resistance]
Produces the effect of MP +46, Fear Resistance +9.
neck 36 46 150 15565000
9480 Dynasty Necklace (not used) [Darkness Resistance]
Produces the effect of MP +46, Dark Attack Resistance +7.
neck 36 46 150 0
11599 Dynasty Necklace
Rare item that has the effect of increased MP +46 and Max MP +30
neck 106 46 150 7942000


920 Tateossian Necklace
Tateossian Necklace. Produces the effect of MP +42.
neck 95 42 150 4361000
6657 Necklace of Valakas
Produces the following effects: MP +42, increase resistance to sleep by 40%, HP +445, increase sleep attack chance by 40%, decrease in re-use delay, increase in P. Atk. and M. Atk. wild magic effect, damage shield effect and increase in resistance to flam
neck 95 42 150 4940000
6726 Sealed Tateossian Necklace
The seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon. Once the seal is broken, the effect of M. Def+4 and MP+42 are given.
neck 91 0 150 4361000
11596 Tateossian Necklace
Rare item that has the effect of MP +42 and increased resistance to bleed +7.61.
neck 95 42 150 4361000
12356 Common Item - Sealed Tateossian Necklace
Sealed Tateossian Necklace with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and smelting are impossible. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon. When the seal is broken, it becomes an item with the effect of increased Max MP +42.
neck 91 0 50 0
12359 Common Item - Tateossian Necklace
Tateossian Necklace with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls and smelting are impossible. The effect is MP +42.
neck 95 42 50 0


924 Majestic Necklace
Majestic Necklace. Produces the effect of MP +33.
neck 85 33 150 1998000
930 Necklace of Phantom
neck 80 0 150 2600000
933 Phoenix Necklace
Phoenix Necklace. Produces the effect of MP +26.
neck 80 26 150 1340000
934 Cerberus Necklace
neck 80 0 150 2600000
6323 Sealed Phoenix Necklace
The seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon. When the seal is broken, the effects of M. Def+4 and MP+26 are given.
neck 76 0 150 1340000
6326 Sealed Majestic Necklace
The seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon. When the seal is broken, the effects of M. Def.+5 and MP+33 are given.
neck 80 0 150 1998000
8191 Frintezza's Necklace
Increases MP by 42. Increases Sleep/Paralysis/Shock Resistance by 15%. Increases Sleep/Paralysis/Shock Attack probability by 15%. Increases Poison/Bleeding Resistance by 25%. Increases Poison/Bleeding Attack Probability by 25%. Decreases Reuse Delay. Incr
neck 95 42 150 3450000
11584 Phoenix Necklace
Rare item that has the effect of increased MP +26 and Max MP +21
neck 80 26 150 1340000
11587 Majestic Necklace
Rare item that has the effect of increased MP +33 and M. Def. +1%
neck 85 33 150 1998000
12344 Common Item - Sealed Phoenix Necklace
Sealed Phoenix Necklace with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and smelting are impossible. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon. When the seal is broken, it becomes an item with the effect of increased Max MP +26.
neck 76 0 50 69000
12347 Common Item - Phoenix Necklace
Phoenix Necklace with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls and smelting are impossible. The effect is MP +26.
neck 80 26 50 69000
12350 Common Item - Sealed Majestic Necklace
Sealed Majestic Necklace with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and smelting are impossible. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon. When the seal is broken, it becomes an item with the effect of increased Max MP +33.
neck 80 0 50 108300
12353 Common Item - Majestic Necklace
Majestic Necklace with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls and smelting are impossible. The effect is MP +33.
neck 85 33 50 108300
13740 Gludio Water Protection Necklace
Necklace given to the guardian of Gludio territory. Water power + 26. No exchange/drop available.
neck 85 33 150 0
13741 Dion Divinity Protection Necklace
Necklace given to the guardian of Dion territory. Divine power defense + 26. No exchange/drop available.
neck 85 33 150 0
13742 Giran Wind Protection Necklace
Necklace given to the guardian of Giran territory. Wind power defense + 26. No exchange/drop available.
neck 85 33 150 0
13743 Oren Protection Necklace of Darkness
Necklace given to the guardian of Oren territory. Darkness type defense +26. No exchange/drop available.
neck 85 33 150 0
13744 Aden Earth Protection Necklace
Necklace given to the guardian of Aden territory. Earth power defense + 26. No exchange/drop available.
neck 85 33 150 0
13745 Innadril Water Protection Necklace
Necklace given to the guardian of Innadril territory. Water power defense + 26. No exchange/drop available.
neck 85 33 150 0
13746 Goddard Fire Protection Necklace
Necklace given to the guardian of Goddard territory. Fire power defense + 26. No exchange/drop available.
neck 85 33 150 0
13747 Rune Fire Protection Necklace
Necklace given to the guardian of Rune territory. Fire power defense + 26. No exchange/drop available.
neck 85 33 150 0
13748 Schuttgart Wind Protection Necklace
Necklace given to the guardian of Schuttgart territory. Wind power defense + 26. No exchange/drop available.
neck 85 33 150 0
13753 Olympiad Warrior's Necklace
Olympiad Warrior's necklace. Limited time item that can be worn for 30 days. MP+ 42, Slip/Hold/Shock Resistance increase by 15%. Slip/Hold/Shock attack rate increase by 15%. Decreased magic reuse delay and damage shield effects. No exchange/drop available
neck 85 26 150 0


918 Adamantite Necklace
neck 68 0 150 621200
921 Necklace of Mana
neck 68 0 150 808000
922 Sage's Necklace
neck 72 0 150 1230000
923 Paradia Necklace
neck 72 0 150 1230000
925 Necklace of Solar Eclipse
neck 68 0 150 808000
926 Necklace of Black Ore
neck 72 0 150 948000
927 Necklace of Summoning
neck 68 0 150 808000
928 Otherworldly Necklace
neck 72 0 150 1230000
929 Elemental Necklace
neck 72 0 150 1230000
931 Necklace of Grace
neck 68 0 150 808000
932 Necklace of Holy Spirit
neck 72 0 150 1230000
935 Necklace of Aid
neck 68 0 150 6000
936 Necklace of Blessing
neck 68 0 150 621200
12339 Common Item - Adamantite Necklace
Adamantite Necklace with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and refining are impossible.
neck 68 0 50 32500
12342 Common Item - Necklace of Black Ore
Necklace of Black Ore with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and refining are impossible.
neck 72 0 50 57500


119 Necklace of Binding
neck 64 0 150 434400
915 Aquastone Necklace
neck 52 0 150 207000
916 Necklace of Protection
neck 56 0 150 261000
917 Necklace of Mermaid
neck 60 0 150 302100
919 Blessed Necklace
neck 64 0 150 565000
12327 Common Item - Aquastone Necklace
Aquastone Necklace with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and refining are impossible.
neck 52 0 50 0
12330 Common Item - Necklace of Protection
Necklace of Protection with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and refining are impossible.
neck 56 0 50 0
12334 Common Item - Necklace of Mermaid
Necklace offers limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and refining are impossible.
neck 60 0 50 16700
12336 Common Item - Necklace of Binding
Necklace of Binding with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and refining are impossible.
neck 64 0 50 25700


910 Necklace of Devotion
neck 32 0 150 27600
911 Enchanted Necklace
neck 36 0 150 43700
912 Near Forest Necklace
neck 40 0 150 85700
913 Elven Necklace
neck 45 0 150 95800
914 Necklace of Darkness
neck 48 0 150 124400
10472 Shadow Item - Necklace of Devotion
This item cannot be exchanged or dropped.
neck 32 0 150 0
12312 Common Item - Necklace of Devotion
Necklace of Devotion with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and refining are impossible.
neck 32 0 50 1530
12315 Common Item - Enchanted Necklace
Enchanted Necklace with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and refining are impossible.
neck 36 0 50 2290
12317 Common Item - Near Forest Necklace
Near Forest Necklace with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and refining are impossible.
neck 40 0 50 3320
12320 Common Item - Elven Necklace
Elven Necklace with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and refining are impossible.
neck 45 0 50 4640
12324 Common Item - Necklace of Darkness
Necklace of Darkness with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and refining are impossible.
neck 48 0 50 5880


118 Necklace of Magic
neck 15 0 150 51
906 Necklace of Knowledge
A silver necklace engraved with rune characters of knowledge.
neck 18 0 150 830
907 Necklace of Anguish
A silver necklace engraved with rune characters of anguish.
neck 21 0 150 3600
908 Necklace of Wisdom
neck 25 0 150 9120
909 Blue Diamond Necklace
neck 28 0 150 16400
1506 Necklace of Courage
A necklace that is given to young Orcs who have proven their courage.
neck 15 0 150 66
1507 Necklace of Valor
A necklace that is given to young Orcs who have proven their valor.
neck 21 0 150 4680
12746 Crystal Pendant
neck 22 0 150 3864
12747 Ruby Pendant
neck 30 0 150 0
12748 Sapphire Pendant
neck 40 0 150 63897
12749 Diamond Pendant
neck 52 0 150 156747
12750 Enria Pendant
neck 66 0 150 462834
12751 Thons Pendant
neck 80 0 150 1656980
12752 Asofe Pendant
neck 94 0 150 5165599
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